Ukraine war map today, as of Sep. 18

Ukraine war map today, as of Sep. 18

In order to preserve undamaged ships, Russia began to disperse and hide them as far away from Crimea as possible. Serhiy Bratchuk a spokesperson for the Odesa military administration said.

Fighting has already moved North of Klishchiivka across the railway tracks. A push towards Kurdyumivka and an advance towards Opytne can be expected.

Klishchiivka is liberated by units from the 80th Air Assault Brigade, the 5th Separate Assault Brigade and Special Police Force brigade Lyut.

General Updates:

President Zelenskyi will address American senators in Washington on September 21 during an all Senators meeting. Zelenskyi will also meet with President Joe Biden at the White House.

Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair announced a contribution of $24.38 million to the International Fund for Ukraine, a British-led initiative to procure military aid for Ukraine.

The UN International Court of Justice in The Hague resumes hearings tomorrow in Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia regarding the Genocide Convention.

Pic Source: War_mapper on Twitter

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